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Basic Debugging Tips

These have mostly been stolen from things that Ole has said on issue posts...


Build Environment

The first step is to recursively clone the frida repos:


git clone --recursive


Next, you likely want to edit the "config.mak" file in the root of that and remove the "--strip". This will ensure that when you build frida, the symbols will not be stripped away.


The build process is simple, but the build environment can sometimes be irritating to setup. I've create a docker image that is built just for this purpose.


alias frida_build="sudo docker run -it --rm -v \$PWD:/frida bannsec/frida_build"
# Give it the same arguments you would give make

# Run all tests for x86_64
frida_build check-gum-linux-x86_64-thin

# Run specific test for V8
frida_build check-gum-linux-x86_64-thin tests=/GumJS/Script/Process/process_nested_signal_handling#V8

# Run specific test for duk
frida_build check-gum-linux-x86_64-thin tests=/GumJS/Script/Process/process_nested_signal_handling#DUK

# Build python3 .so module
frida_build python-linux-x86_64 PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3


Printing Output

It's often helpful to print output during execution of frida. This can generally be done to either stderr or the syslog service:


// Logs to the system logger
g_info ("Foo %d\n", foo);

// Prints to stderr
g_printerr ("Foo %d\n", foo);


When those print primitives aren't enough, Ole has posted some of his own more advanced print statements for debugging:


Stepping Through Frida

It's possible to source step through frida just like any other software. It's important that you removed the --strip mentioned above, and that the frida library that's injected is not stripped and has debugging information. If all compiled just fine, then you should be able to attach gdb to the process and use the "layout src" view and "step" to step through the source code of frida. Obviously, you will likely have to use the "directory" command in gdb to tell it where frida's source code is.


Sometimes, you may want to debug very early in execution. On linux, frida utilizes ptrace to load, which means that you cannot start the program in gdb and simply attach frida. That said, you can add some shim code into the software you're debugging to help with this.


// If you want to pause in the C code
while (!gum_process_is_debugger_attached ())
  g_printerr ("Waiting for debugger in PID %u...\n", getpid ());
  g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC);


// You can do something similar in javascript
while (!Process.isDebuggerAttached()) {
  console.log('Waiting for debugger in PID:',;